UHS MDCAT Registration 2019 has been started. According to the July 7th, 2019 Dawn Ads.

Click here to Zoom the UHS MDCAT 2019 Ads
Are you prepared for the battle to be a future doctor of Pakistan?
Even if you don’t want to be a doctor, you have to take the test for taking admission in reputed universities of Pakistan in other fields.
There is some important information to know about MDCAT:
MDCAT Registration Started: 19th July, 2019
Last Date of MDCAT Registration: 29th July, 2019
Date of Test: 24th August, 2019
Fees: Rs. 1300
Who Can Apply In MDCAT 2019?
It is Mandatory for candidates having domicile of Punjab to appear in MDCAT for admission to any Public Sector Medical/DentalInstitution of Punjab or any PrivateSector Medical/Dental Institution of Pakistan.
(ii) For submission of application form and fee for MDCAT-2019, the collection services shall be available at the counters of the Bank of
(ii) The candidates having domicile of any district of Punjab, Islamabad (ICT) and foreign nationals/Overseas Pakistanis can appear in MDCAT.
(iii.) As per Admission Regulations-2018 of Pakistan Medical andDental Council·(as amended on 30th May 2019), a candidate must have passed intermediate/HSSC Pre-Medical Group or Equivalent Examination (e.g., A-Level, 12th Grade, etc.) with mioin1um 70 percent unadjusted marks (770/1100) marks. However, those awaiting result can also apply.
[iv) Mere appearance in MDCAT does not confer the right to apply for or claim admission to any medical/ dental institution.
How To Apply For MDCAT 2019?
(i) A candidate can apply for the MDCAT 2019 only online by logging on to the Bank of Punjab weblink https://www.bop.com.p k/MDCAT-2019
(ii) A candidate can apply using a desktop computer or laptop but not a mobile phone.
(iii) The candidate must follow the instructions given on the web link to register himself/herself for MDCAT.
(iv) After filling his/her particulars, the candidate will be asked to upload his/her latest color photograph (not more than two months old]. The size of the file should not be more than 2 MB.
[v) After filling the form, the candidate should have a”Preview” of his/her application.
[vi) The candidate can submit his/her application by clicking the”Submit” button.
(vii) It should be noted that the candidate cannot edit his/ her application once it has been sub1Tiitt ed. The candidates are, therefore, advised to carefully go through their application before submission.
(viii) Upon successful submission, the candidate will be assigned a “Unique Application Serial Nun1ber” (e.g. UHS-12345678)9. The candidate should note that number as it will be used in fu.turefor accessing the submitted application and the Admittance Card issued by the Bank.
[ix) The candidate should get a print of the filled application form by clicking the “Download & Print” button. If the facility of downloading and printing is not available at that time, the candidate can access his/ her application any other time by clicking “Search
Registration”button after entering his/her “Unique Application Serial Number” or CNIU Passport number.
(x) On a single CNIC/ Passport number, only one application can be sub1nitted. Candidates are, therefore, advised submitting only one application fOnTI. If a candidate submits, more than one application fonTI, his/her registration shall be canceled.
What Is The Submission Of Fee And Issuance Of Admittance Card In MDCAT 2019?
[xi) After submission of the online application form, the candidate or his/her representative is required to visit the nearest branch of the Bank of Punjab (BoP) during banking hours along with the print-out of the application form. Bank shall be closed on Saturday and Sunday
(xii) On submission of MDCAT fee of Rs.1300/·(non-refundable), the concerned bank official will stamp the application form and return the “candidate’s copy” form to the candidate or his/her representative.
[xiii) Within 72 hours after fee submission, the candidate shall be communicated his/ her Admittance Card, bearing his/her roll number and examination center, via SIVS alert and E-mail attachment at his/her mobile number and E-mail ID.
[xiv) The candidate is advised to download and take a print-out of this admittance card.
[xv) The candidate can also download his/ her ad1Tiittance card by clicki ng “Search Admittance Card” button on the Bank of Punjab [BoP) weblink (https://www.bop.com.pk/MDCAT-2019) for MDCAT 2019.
What Is The Choice Of The Centre In MDCAT 2019?
The candidate can select any of the 13 cities given above as his/ her test center. The candidates are advised for their convenience to choose a city nearest to their residence.
What Is The Schedule Of MDCAT 2019 Registration?
(i) The candidates can register online for MDCAT from 19th July 2019 to 29th July 2019. The registration will be closed after 04:00 pm on 29th July 2019.
(ii) For submission of the application form and fee for MDCAT-2019, the collection services shall be available at the counters of the Bank of Punjab (BoP) branches all over Pakistan from 19th July 2019to 29th July 2019. (excluding Saturdays, Sundays &Gazetted Holidays), 09:00 am to 05:00 pm.
What Is The Syllabus Of MDCAT 2019?
The syllabus of MDCAT-2019 is available on the UHS website (www.u hs.edu.pk). The candidates are advised to prepare for the test according to this syllabus from their own textbooks. They are cautioned against commercial courses being offered by various academies for preparation of MDCAT.
Or Download MDCAT Syllabus 2019 Directly From Here (PDF)
What Is The Pattern Of MDCAT 2019?
(i) MDCAT- 2019shall comprise a single question paper containing 200 multiple-choice questions (MCQs) divided into the following four
(04) sections:
Biology= 80 MCQs, Chemistry= 60 MCQs, Physics= 40 MCQs and English= 20 MCQs
(ii) The duration of the test shall be 150 minutes (2½ hours), and the total marks shall be 200. The pass marks in the test shall be 60% (i.e., 120/ 200).
(iii) There shall be no negative marking in the test.
(iv) There shall be question papers of different codes in which the sequence of questions and their responses shall be different from one another. The questions, however, shall be the same.
What Is The Self-Scoring System (SSS) In MDCAT 2019?
(i) The candidates.will be required to mark their answers on a double sheeted Response Form. The candidate will mark answers on the upper, colored sheet which will be automatically transferred on the lower, carbonized sheet. At the end of the Test, the upper sheet will be collected by the invigilation staff, whereas the candidate will be allowed to take the lower carbonized sheet with.him/her.
(ii) The university will display the answer keys to the question papers of all the codes on its website www.uhs.edu.pk within 12 hours after the test. The keys shall also be published in all major national dailies the next day.
(iii) Once the keys are released, the candidates can calculate their score themselves on the carbonized copy of Response Form with the help of concerned key.
(iv) The official result of the Test shall be declared by the University as early as possible. It shall be displayed on the university website www.uhs.edu.pk.
( ) Should a candidate wish to query or challenge a particular question in the test, he/ she should send an e-mail at info@uhs.edu.pkby6:00 PM on the test day. No complaint in this regard shall be entertained after that.
What Are The Important Instructions For MDCAT 2019?
(i) The candidates must reach their respective centers at least one hour before the commencement of the test on 25th August 2019 (i.e., by 09:00 am). The centers will be sealed/closed at 09:15 am.
(ii) The candidates must bring the following with them on the test day:
(a) Original CNIC/NICOP/POC/Smart Card for Juvenile issued by NADRA OR Original Passport (Photocopies are not acceptable).
(b) Print out of Admittance Card issued by the University;
(c) A clean clipboard;
(d) Two blue ballpoint pens (not pointers, markers, pencils, gel pens, etc.)
Note: A candidates who fail to bring Original Passport/CNIC/ NICOP, POC, Smart Card forJuvenile and print-out of his/her Admittance Card shall not be allowed to appear in the test. Domicile or 8-Form or any other document shall not be acceptable for appearance in the test.
(iii ) The Mobile Numbers and Email address provided in the online Application Form should be entered correctly, and they shou.ld be functional in all ways as the SMS and E-111ailalerts regarding allotted Roll NurTibers and Examination Centres shall be sent to these mobile numbers and E-1nail addresses.
(iv] The Bank of Punjab web link (https://www.bop.com.pk/MDCAT-2019)will be active from 19th July 2019 (from 09:00 AM).
(v) The information Booklet of MDCAT-2019 shall b.e available on University website (www.uhs.edu.pk) with the start of the registration process. Candidates are advised to go through the Information Booklet to familiarize themselves with the rules and regulations of MDCAT which shall be binding upon them.
Here is the step by step guide for MCAT Registration:
Step 1 – Opening The Official Site
Go to the official website of Bank of Punjab. Just click here to go.
Step 2 – Click The Register
Once you go to the site, it will look like this, and you need to click the register as shown below. And please tell UHS, you are a human by writing the correct answer to the simple math addition.

Step 3 – Fill The Personal Information
You have to fill out the important detail.
Image: You must upload the image that is passport in nature (less than 2MB), not the selfie otherwise you will go to jail for straight 100 years. Just kidding
Mailing Address: You must write address from specific to a general format.
Date of Birth: Keep clicking the date of the year, it will show you date in the range 2000 to 2010, and for background, click < to select your date.
The rest is easy, isn’t? Are you not sure of your gender? Dial 0900-78601

Step 4: Fill The Qualification, Submit, Warning
It is easy as a piece of cake.
Make sure you write everything correct, otherwise you may face consequences in the future.

Once you have done it, click submit after checking “I have read and accepted the above undertaking.”


Once you click YES, I AGREE. Download the FORM

Step 5: PDF Form And Print
I have written above, the picture must be a passport. It means your background must be blue or white.
Go to any print shop, and say it to print it.

Step 6: Go To The Bank Of Punjab
Go to any branch of Bank of Punjab in your area, and make a deposit of Rs. 500 from the form that you have printed.

Step 7: Verify Everything Is Okay And Download The PDF Again In Case You Lost
May be you have lost the PDF? You must be worried so much, you wanna cry?
Oh guys!
Just to go to the same site, or click here
Click Search Registration Form
And write this Serial # to the Search Registration Form as shown in the below image.

Like this:

Step 8: SMS And E-Mail Attachment To Print
You will get an SMS within 72 hours after you have done all the steps mentioned above.
Also the admit form will be sent to your email that you mentioned above, and you have to print out that and keep yourself.
Step 9: 16th September Day And 3 Things
You must have three things on the day of judgment, sorry, MDCAT:
- Ball Point
- Admittance Card Issued by the UHS
Important Document Preparation
Prospective candidates are advised to prepare the following documents well in advance to avoid any inconvenience at the time of submitting the application for Medical & Dental College Admission Test (MDCAT) -2019:
(i) Domicile Certificate;
fin Computerized National Identity Card or Computer. B-Form issued by
NADRA or Passport;
(Si) Certificate./result card of SSC (Matriculation) or equivalent:
(iv) Result card of ((SSC Part I or Part II or equivalent:
(v) Latest color photograph in soft form (not more than 2 MB file)