A candidate will be punished to such extent if he/she is found guilty of using inappropriate means. The penalty will be different for different nature of offenses and illegal acts.
So it is better to avoid cheating in exams otherwise the below rules will be applied to you:
1. Mobile Phone Use

If the candidate is caught for having any criminal material or gadgets like computerized calculator, mobile phone, etc., or if he is caught using inappropriate, vulgar, biased and indecent language or seeking help from the examiner by writing on answer book or question paper then as a penalty:
- His/her paper would be canceled
- He/she will be charged fine as recommended by the Unfair Mean Committee
- Both penalties will be implied.
- If the candidate is found guilty of some offense in more than one paper, the result of the examination will be canceled).
2. Change Examination Center

If the candidate is found guilty of changing his/her examination center through unauthorized means then as a penalty:
- Relevant paper (s) will be canceled
- He/ she will be charged fine as recommended by the Unfair Mean Committee
- Both penalties will be implied.
3. Copying Material

If the candidate is found copying material from any source, then as a penalty:
- Relevant paper can be canceled
- All papers can be canceled
- Immediate excluding from appearance in the next examination
- All of the above
4. Disobeying The Staff

If the candidate is found guilty of disobeying the supervisory staff or misbehaving, then as a penalty:
- Relevant paper can be canceled along with the fine as recommended by the Unfair Means Committee.
5. Misbehaving

If the candidate is found guilty of misbehaving by causing blockage in the discharge of duties of Centre Staff, showing anger by shouting and creating a scene, using abusive and inappropriate language, terrifying the supervisory staff or physically hurting anyone, then the penalties are:
- Cancellation of all papers and excluding from the next 1-5 examinations and fine will be charged as recommended by Unfair Means Committee.
(For injuring someone physically, the penalties would be same but the Duration of excluding from the examination will be 1-7 examinations).