Are you thinking of changing the elective subject or group in FBISE?
You have come to the right place.
Before jumping into the step by step guide, first you need to know the following rules:
The students of the affiliated (related) board or private candidates will be allowed the change of subject(s)/ group offered to them, only with conditions listed below under the following rules:
- A regular student of XI/IX will not be given the permission to change the Elective subject (s)/Group, once offered at the beginning of the session. However, considering the interest and aptitude of a student, the change of a subject (s)/ Group will be allowed to the student provided the case as referred by the Head of Institution and he/she (candidate) will be able to complete the required attendance in the changed subject (s)/ Groups.
- The change will be allowed to a candidate only for a specific examination.
- When the candidate appears at SSC-II / HSSC-II Examination, he /she will not be allowed any change of the subject.
- A student’s category is allowed to change from Regular to Private provided that he /she has not attended classes (for studies) in the affiliated institution from 31st October at SSC level and 30th November at HSSC level (of the following year). While in case of Private candidate, the permission of change of subject (s)/ group can be held up to one month before the commencement of examination along with the prior permission of Controller of Examinations (Conduct).
- If the case of any candidate does not fall under any of these rules, then it may be referred by the Head of the institution, to the Chairman, and then the Chairman will decide each such case on its merit.
- A candidate who asked for the permission of change of subject or subjects/ group offered by him will give the final option and in case the permission is issued once, it will not be canceled.
- A regular candidate who failed his/ her SSC-II /HSSC-II Annual Examination will reappear as an ex-candidate of his institution within the allowed chances and he will reappear only in the same subject which he offered in the last examinations as a regular candidate.
- A student will be allowed permission by the Principal for the change of elective subject (s) in the group before appearing in the 1st part of SSC/ HSSC examination, provided that the candidate will be able to complete the required attendance in the subjects/group of subject(s) in the same Academic year.
- A student will not be allowed the change of any subject(s) or group after he has appeared in Part-1 of SSC/HSSC examination. But in exceptional cases, the case will be referred to the Chairman whose decision will be final.
- A student who appeared as Private in the Part-1 of SSC/HSSC examination, may change his category from private to regular and get admission in class X/XII, provided:
- On the basis of the result of part-1 of SSC/HSSC examination, the Head of the affiliated institution is prepared to admit him in Part-II of SSC/HSSC.
- He takes the same subjects in Part-II as indicated by him in the admission form for Part-1.
- Up to 31st December, the change of category from private to regular is allowed.
- Candidates who change categories from Private to Regular or vice versa will not be allowed to appear in Science group or subjects involving practical(s).
Here are the following steps:
Step 1
Go to FBISE official website.
Step 2
Click “Bank Challan & Fee Info“, then Click “Challan Form for SSC” and “Challan Form for HSSC” Click depending on your class.

Step 3
Then fill the form with your name and the fees. Select Change of Subject. For fees info, you need to scroll down. Click Generate Form.

Step 4
It will be downloaded in the form of PDF. You need to download and print it. If you don’t have the printer, save the file on your USB drive, and go to any photostat shop, he will help.

Step 5
Bring the Challan form, and go to any nearest HBL branch in your area. Handover the form, they will do the rest provided you pay them Rs. 1000
Step 6
Go to Online FBISE Application and fill everything after depositing the HBL.

Step 7
Once you click the Submit, you will get the following details. Note it down on your phone or notebook.

Step 8: Click The Link And Track Your Application:
FBISE will provide you the TCS number after one or two days. You can click the link and track the application for FBISE what they have done for you so far.

Step 9: Tracking Your Application With TCS
Go to TCS Track Your Shipment and type your TCS number that FBISE shows you. It will reveal the details where your certificate/Sanad/degree/documents have reached.
Note: It doesn’t show at the moment you click Submit. It takes one or two business days.

If you have any question, feel free to ask below. I will be happy to answer.