Applying for the improvement exams in federal board has become easy. After passing HSSC-II Examination (or SSC-II Examination), Candidate may appear for improvement of marks/grade in the course he/she studied within a period of one year as an ex-candidate in (a) any number of paper/subject(s) (b) all papers of part-I only ( c) all papers of part-ii only (d) all papers of part-I &II. The candidates appearing in any subject (both the papers) involving practical examination shall appear in the practical examination as well. However, candidate neither requires nor can appear in practical if he/she is appearing in a paper of a subject or any one part of the examination. There is only one chance for improvement of marks/grade.In easy wording, it means:
- If you have passed all the subjects of both parts of HSSC (or SSC), you can apply for the improvement exams.
- You can’t apply for the improvement if you are studying in 9th Class or 11th Class. You can take with the annual exams of 10th Class or 12th Class.
- You will be given only one chance for improvement either you take with the supplementary exams or the annual exams.
- You have to avail the improvement chance within a period of one year.
- You can appear as many subjects as you want. Yes, it is not limited to only two subjects.
- You have to appear in the practical exams as well if you are appearing for the subject that has a practical exam.
Do you know? Even you get the low marks in the improvement exam, the previous marks will be entertained. If you get the higher marks than the previous one, the higher marks will be considered.
The improvement exams are taken in October every year for HSSC and September for SSC. Yes, you are getting 60 days to prepare for the subjects you want to improve.
Related: How to Apply for FBISE SSC II Improvement Exam (Step by Step Guide)
If your parents are angry at you because you didn’t perform well in 2 or more subjects, say them, give me only 2 months, I will get the marks and prove myself, Dad!
Related: AWS Practice Test Exam Dumps
And you will not use a smartphone and the internet much to waste the time rather you will spend 60 days in studies.
How To Apply For Improvement Exams
Students wishing to apply for Improvement Exams must do so in writing, on the official form available from the Student Registry, before 4pm on Friday of Week 3 of the relevant term. The form should be submitted to the Examination Schools.
Students will be notified of their results by e-mail. If they are successful, they will receive an amendment to their student record to this effect and a Certificate in Latin confirming their improvement.
It is not possible to enter for Improvement Exams in the Michaelmas Term following graduation.
The candidate must indicate the subjects in which he/she wishes to take improvement exams by completing the application form. The form is available at the office of the Examinations Division (Room B-207).
A completed application form along with a copy of the results slip and a letter from the Dean of the Department (where applicable) should be submitted to Examinations Division (Room B-207).
The completed application form, together with a copy of results slip and a letter from the Dean of the Department (where applicable) should be submitted to Examinations Division (Room B-207) before the deadline specified in the Academic Calendar.
Eligibility: Students who have failed no more than one subject and whose failure was not due to any disciplinary action.
Applying is easy, here I will explain the step by step guide.
Step 1 – Application Form:
First, download the admission form here. It’s important because, without it, the improvement will not be accepted as written in the instructions of improvement shown in Step 5. Its title will be:

Step 2 -Print It Out And Fill It:
Then you have to print it so that you can fill it with a bale pen. These things might put you into difficulty:
Status: So, you’re an improvement student so you will select Ex.
The fee is mentioned below:

Challan No: It will be explained in Step 3.
Previous Year (HSSC-II) Year: You have to select the year when you took the last exam. If you took the recent one in 2017, then write 17 and select Annual, and the Roll Number of the previous annual exams.
Proposed Center and Code: Proposed center is the center where you want to take the exams. If you don’t know the code of the proposed center, you can check here.

Step 3 – Generating A Challan Form:
Without a challan form, your form will not be accepted. So it is important to generate, and fill it as I mentioned below. Keep in mind that, write fees as I showed above as per dates. Select Examination Admission, and click Generate Challan Form. Go here to generate a challan form.

Step 4 – Depositing To Any HBL Branch:
Now you have to go any HBL Branch and deposit there. You just need to have the money and the challan form, they will do their work.
Now write the challan form number in the Challan Section in STEP 2
Step 5 – Download The Improvement Form And Fill It
Now you need to download the improvement form that you can download from here. After downloading, print it out, and fill it.

Step 6 – Send To The FBISE Office With Documents:
Now the final step comes that you need to send the following documents to the FBISE official office. Attach the followings:
- Printed copy of your result card. For this, go here and write your Roll Number, and print it.
- Copy of Bank Challan Form as showed in Step 4
- The admission form that I filled in Step 2
- The improvement form that I filled in Step 5
Once you have done all the things and attested all the documents with photos as per instructions are written in the improvement form and the admission form for improvement, then you need to send here via TCS or Leopard.
For Abroad Student
If you live abroad and a student of FBISE, then you need to deposit the fees in the following account:

Do You Need Help? You Can Get By The Following Way:
1. You can comment below, our team will respond you as soon as possible.
2. Go to the official website of FBISE, and get help via Live Chat.
3. You can call at FBISE office 051-9269555 from 9 AM to 5 PM.
Get More Marks
These articles will help you in getting great marks: