Joining the Pakistan Army after graduation is a dream of many young people who want to serve their country and have a rewarding career. There are different ways to join the Pak Army after graduation, depending on your qualification, age, and interest. Some of the common ways are:
- [Graduate Course]: This is a one-year training course for graduates who have completed 16 years of education in any discipline. The candidates have to pass an initial test, physical test, medical test, and interview to qualify for this course. After completing the training, the candidates are commissioned as captains in the Pakistan Army.
- [Technical Cadet Course]: This is a four-year engineering degree course for candidates who have passed FSc with physics, mathematics, and chemistry or computer science. The candidates have to pass an initial test, physical test, medical test, and interview to qualify for this course. After completing the degree, the candidates are commissioned as lieutenants in the Corps of Engineers, Signals, Electrical and Mechanical Engineering, or Computer Engineering.
- [Army Medical Cadet Course]: This is a five-year MBBS degree course for candidates who have passed FSc with physics, chemistry, and biology. The candidates have to pass an initial test, physical test, medical test, and interview to qualify for this course. After completing the degree, the candidates are commissioned as captains in the Army Medical Corps.
- [Lady Cadet Course]: This is a six-month training course for female graduates who have completed 16 years of education in various fields such as engineering, medicine, computer science, education, psychology, etc. The candidates have to pass an initial test, physical test, medical test, and interview to qualify for this course. After completing the training, the candidates are commissioned as captains in the Pakistan Army.
These are some of the different ways to join the Pakistan Army after graduation. For more information, you can visit the official website of the Pakistan Army or contact your nearest Army Selection and Recruitment Centre.

Contributed by: Muhammad Faisal Shamsher
Have you done your graduation? Congratulations, you are ready to serve in Pakistan army.
A few days we wrote an article on How to Join Pak Army After F.Sc (Step by Step Guide), but here you will learn how you can join ISSB after you have done your graduation.
Without wasting your precious time, here are the top 7 ways to join ISSB.
The most prestigious institution in Pakistan is the Armed Forces. It is not only respected by the general public but also by other countries.
The way of life and discipline instilled in the Pakistan Army makes it a dream-cum-true for every youngster. Unfortunately, there are very few ways to join Pak Army after graduation.
The most common and traditional way is to appear for a test that is held annually under the supervision of ISSB. This entrance test may seem intimidating, but it is not as difficult as it seems.
If you prepare well and have some knowledge of what you are going to face, then you can pass this test without any problems.
The second way to join Pak Army after graduation is through the Long Term Commission (LTC). It is an exceptional opportunity for those who are looking for a career in the field of medicine or engineering.
The third option available to join Pak Army after graduation is Short Service Commission (SSC). It is open for both men and women and provides a secure career with handsome pay!
Before I tell you the complete procedure with details, I would like to clear some of the basic misconceptions about getting commissioned in Pak Army after graduation.
Ways To Join Pak Army After Graduation
1. PMA Long Course

This course is dedicated to regular commission officers of combat and combat support and arms. It lasts for two years, accumulating for terms of six months. After which cadet stands the reputation of second Lieutenant.
Here are the criteria:
- Intermediate or Equivalent degree holder with age from 17 to 22 years are eligible to apply.
- Graduation (2 Years Degree) holder and Serving Pakistan Navy / Pakistan Air Force with age 17 to 23 years are eligible to apply.
- Graduation (4 Years Programme) BS / BA (Hon) / BBA / BPA pass with age from 17 to 24 years are eligible to apply.
- Serving Army Soldiers having age between 17 to 25 years are eligible to apply.
You might be thinking, what is the procedure? In the below PDF, you can read, do you want to download directly? Click here

This procedure is applied to almost every field that has been mentioned here.
2. Medical Officer And Specialist

The steadfastness of Pak Army is governed by its serving doctors in the Pak Army controlled hospitals. They are destined to serve the Army recruits and their families. These medical doctors are considered as officers and are equally awarded.
With MBBS degree can apply and join the Pakistan Army as a medical officer, but if someone also has completed his or her FCPS can join as a specialist.
For both jobs, the person has to apply in any ASRC, and there will be an initial written and interview.
After that selected candidates will have to undergo the 22-week training span in PMA Kakol.
Wait, but what is ASRC?
ASRC stands for Army Selection Recruitment Center. It is the place where candidates are selected to serve in Pakistan Army. In every major city, there is an ASRC center.
For example, in Lahore, you can find on Walton Road.
3. Remount And Veterinary Farms Officer

Pak Army possesses its own property rather its a building of school and hospital or a farm of veggies and animals.Hence Army desires the recruitment of people in every field.
Pakistan Army has many animals like horses and dogs, and these animals need special health care that is provided by veterinary doctors.
It’s also a professional that can earn more money than the normal doctors by opening a civil clinic.
After the completion of 5 years DVM from the registered institute of Pakistan.
They will be selected veterinary and farms officer with the rank of Major.
4. Psychologist
Psychologists are the pillars of the Army’s standard as they play a big role in the hiring of new recruits. Moreover, they also play their part in hospital and therapy centres.
Psychologists are needed in the Pakistan Army, and they work at CMH (Combined Military Hospital) in different cities of Pakistan.
Army personals and their family go to psychologists for their mental health. Even civil patients can avail the opportunity.
After the completion of B.Sc Psychology from any university recognized from HEC can join Pakistan Army as an officer.
Anyone with the required qualification can apply when recruitment is open through ASRC.
5. Technical Officer

For the seekers of Science and Technology, the Army offers a great opportunity to hire engineers for serving the Pak Army as officers from the post of second lieutenant.
People who engineering degree from any institute registered in Pakistan can join the Pakistan Army.
Candidates with an engineering degree in mechanical, electrical, civil, Mechatronics etc. are eligible for the post.
After the application, they will have an initial written and interview.
After an interview and written selected candidates will undergo Training in PMA Kakol.
6. ICTOs

With the increasing demand in computer technology, the Pakistan army hires the people who are experts at the computer. Many hackers are hired for the national security.
The IT experts and the degree holders can serve their Pak Army with a premier reputation.
As well as candidates are hired for ISPR where videos are made. Other works are done which can’t be mentioned here.
Candidates with M.Sc or B.Sc (Hons) in software engineering, computer science, and computer-related qualifications can be hired and applied by ASRC and will join Pakistan Army signals.
7. Armed Forces Nursing Service

Pak Army proffers vast induction of female and male nursing staff in Army’s affiliated hospitals and camps, with significant amenity.
It is another easy of joining Pakistan Army as an officer after Graduation and for it, they are required to have 4 years Bsc In nursing and after that they will undergo the same procedure As per medical officer and specialist but they will have basic Training of 4 weeks and female candidates are preferred.