Is applying for the reserved seats in University of Punjab hard?
No! It is extremely easy if you follow the step by step mentioned in this article.
It is worth mentioning that there are many reserved seats for BA, BA, MA, MS programs – mentioned below – but there is only one reserved seat for an M.Phil, and Ph.D student who must be a disabled person.
These reserved seats are for BS (4-Yrs) or Equivalent Program. There are total 87 reserved seats. All the departments have one reserved seat, but most seats are for the armed forces. The programs are the following for which the seats are applicable:
- Faculty of Arts & Humanities
- Behavioral & Social Sciences
- Commerce, Education
- Economics & Management Sciences
- Engineering & Technology
- Islamic Studies
- Law, Life Sciences
- Pharmacy and Sciences.
1. Children Of Punjab University Teachers – 2 Seats:
Children / spouses/ real brothers or sisters/nephews or nieces (in this order of priority) of the Punjab University Teachers, serving or retired (excluding teachers on deputation/part-time teachers) with a service of not less than 5 years. This is also applicable to self supporting Afternoon/Evening program.
2. Foreign Students – 1 Seat:
Foreign students (whose names are recommended by the Ministry of Education, Govt. of Pakistan, according to the prescribed procedure).
Vice-Chancellor may permit the admission of more eligible foreign applicants on the recommendations of Dean of Faculty and Director/ Principal/ Chairman Teaching Institute/Constitute College/ Department.
3. Disabled Persons – 1 Seat:
Disabled persons (blind/physically handicapped) on humanitarian grounds (to be approved by the Vice-Chancellor after a case has been made out by the Chairman of the Department and is supported by the Dean, of the Faculty concerned and the Committee constituted for this purpose).
4. Army Children -1 Seat In Each Department:
Son/Daughter of martyrs of Army, War disabled, serving and retired army personnel subject to the recommendation/certificate by the relevant body. A certificate of martyrdom issued by the G.H.Q Adjutant General Branch should be attached along with the recommendation letter.
5. Pakistani Overseas – 5 Seats:
Son/Daughter of Pakistani Overseas. These students will pay fees applicable to the foreign students.
These seats are not convertible to any category of reserve/merit seats.
6. Outstanding Sports Persons – 1 Seat:
Outstanding Sports Persons. (Selected on the recommendations of the Special Committee appointed by the Vice-Chancellor for the said purpose).
7. Outstanding Co-Curricular Activities -Seat:
Students having distinction in Co-curricular activities to be selected by a Committee to be appointed by the Vice-Chancellor for this purpose. Activities to be decided by the admission committee.
8. Students From Baluchistan – 1 Seat:
Students from Baluchistan having domicile and education throughout from Baluchistan are eligible only. (Applications are acceptable directly from the candidates of Balochistan).
One seat in each department.
9. Students From Sindh – 4 Seats:
Student/s nominee from Sindh (to be nominated by the respective Nomination Board and recommended by the Federal Govt.)
4 seats in the whole University (other than those disciplines being offered at any Institutions of Sindh
These are the reserved seats for MA / M.Sc or Equivalent. They have additional reserved seats besides what have been mentioned above. The other seats are the followings:
10. Children Of Kashmiries – 1 Seat:
Children of Kashmiries of the IHK persons displaced after 1989.
One seat in Business Administration and Fine Arts.
11. Students From FATA – 10 Seats:
Student/s nominee from FATA (to be nominated by the respective Nomination Board and recommended by the Federal Govt.)
Other than those disciplines which are being offered in FATA.
12. Students From Gilgit-Baltistan – 10 Seats:
Students nominee from Gilgit-Baltistan (to be nominated by the respective Nomination Board and recommended by the Federal Govt.)
Other than those disciplines which are not offered in the Karakorum International University of Gilgit-Baltistan.
13. Students From Azad Kashmir – 4 Seats:
Students nominee from Azad Kashmir (to be nominated by the respective Nomination Board and recommended by the Federal Govt.)
Other than those disciplines being offered at Azad Jammu and Kashmir University
Please follow the steps mentioned here How to Apply for University of Punjab Admission where I showed these 6 steps in detailed (1450 words), but here I am writing short:
Step 1 – Download The Admission Form Or Visit The University Of Punjab:
Download this application form, it 4 pages: 3 for the normal admission and one for reserved seats. Print it out or get it for money by visiting the university.
Step 2 – Fill The Bio Data
Fill the bio data. If you are stuck or don’t know how to fill, read the above article.
Step 3 – Fill Academic Record:
Then fill the academic record, the marks you got in SSC and HSSC. The same goes for other programs.
Step 4: Attach The Required Documents:
In the article it is mentioned which documents you have to attach.
Step 5: Fill Undertaking:
It is another form included in the admission form that you have to fill and sign your signature.
Step 6: Acknowledgement Receipt:
After you have done this, you have follow the step 7:
Step 7 – Print Out The Reserved Seats Form:
Print the form for reserved seats or you can get from the university. It looks like this:

Step 8: HandOver To The Respective Department:
It is a sad reality you have to handover yourself by visiting the university. No money deposit is needed, you have to pay the person if you are buying the prospectus.
If you’re applying for an army seat, you have to submit the reserved seat form as well as the normal admission form, and you have send a letter to GHQ. If your father is in army, he can talk to the head clerk of your unit, he knows all about it. He will give the form that you have to fill with the required details, and then it will be sent to GHQ before the last date.
More questions are answered here in the FAQs section.