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Math and science are both about figuring out how the world works. But math takes a different approach from science.
Then we can explore these features and see what conclusions we can make from them. The symbols and rules that we use to describe mathematical objects are not unique, and there may be many ways to describe the same thing.
The math we learn in school mostly consists of “sums” (adding up numbers), “products” (multiplying numbers) and “fractions” (dividing one number by another).
Math is the human side of science.
Science tries to figure out how the world works by making observations and doing experiments. If it doesn’t, then you’ve either made an error in your theory or an error in your experiment, and you need to go back and try again. Experiments are what make science hard.
Math tries to figure out how the world works by working through problems step by step and seeing where that leads. When you do a math proof, you’re not trying to discover anything new about the world; you’re just trying to show that something we already know is true can be derived logically from things we already know are true.
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Math doesn’t rely on experiments, because it’s not trying to discover new facts about the world; it’s just exploring the consequences of what we already know.