Are you looking for Unit 1 The Saviour of Mankind Notes in PDF? You are at the right place. You can download the complete translation, short questions and MCQs of the unit 1.
Unit 1 – The Saviour of Mankind Notes is a comprehensive guide for students studying in the 9th grade in Pakistan. The notes are available for free download in PDF format.
It covers the first unit of the Class 9 English syllabus, which is about the personality of the Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) and his role as the saviour of mankind. The book is an excellent resource for students looking to improve their understanding of this topic and prepare for their exams.
Hence we provide you with a proper and appropriate notes of English’s starting with the chapter number one.
Get Complete: 9th Class English Notes
As this is unit number “one” it starts with the beautiful description of the personality of our beloved Prophet (P.B.U.H) who made the livelihood easy for us and the life here after prosperous.
So that you can be at ease while preparing for Unit no 1 by having a key to the lock of every confusion regarding this unit.

Download Unit 1 The Saviour of Mankind with translation and short questions from our website.
Who doesn’t want to start a great beginning, especially a student who just entered his secondary school where the burden of board examination makes him feel congested. When it’s a subject like English students feel that their understanding and preparation related to every chapter should be legitimate.
The Saviour Of Mankind Notes [9th Class]
- A proper translation of each para of this chapter.
- The required synonyms with their words to give your vocab a powerful pull.
- What is a synonym?
- A synonym is a word with the same or nearly the same meaning as another word. For example, happy are synonym. Synonyms are helpful for literary variance, fine-tuning your message, and finding a word that poetically fits your needs.
- Synonyms should not be confused with antonyms (words with opposite meanings). If you add an antonym to one of your lists, you will get related phrases only from that list.
- The word “synonym” is widely used in everyday life: “they mean the same thing,” “they are synonymous,” etc. However, linguists argue that there is no such thing as a true synonym, just like no identical text or two identical people.
- The meaning of any word includes its lexical purpose (the semantic content) and grammatical meaning (its function in a sentence). We have two words: “summer” and “autumn.” The lexical meaning of these words is similar: these are seasons of the year. But their grammatical purpose is different: in one case it is a noun. In another – an adjective. Therefore, they cannot be used as synonyms in a sentence.
- We can take another example – “to go.” This verb can be replaced by another verb with the same linguistic meaning – “to walk”. Nevertheless, they do not always coincide in grammatical meaning: to go can be used with an accusative object (“to go to work”) and without it (“to go upstairs”), but to walk only with an accusative object
- Unit related, detailed comprehensive and analyses based questions along with their answers.
So that you can be at ease while preparing for Unit no 1 by having a key to the lock of every confusion regarding this unit.