Have you chalked out the plan for your admission in a prestigious university in Punjab? Are you confused about which university shall be your first priority? Do you know for certain which institute has the best faculty concerning your interest? Chin up! We’ve got you covered on all these queries. Keep scrolling through this blog and all your concerns will vanish.
Introduction to Punjab University
We all know the University of Punjab is the best ranked public sector institute we have when it comes to science majors, social sciences, and humanities.
Gradually improving its position in the QS World University Ranking, it has started attracting students from all over Pakistan.
And if you wish to apply to Punjab University, you’ve come to the right place! Established before partition, in 1882 in Lahore, it is the oldest and largest seat of learning in Pakistan.
Comprising 5 campuses, the institute caters 13 faculties and over 73 departments. Here’s an important notice for you! The University of Punjab has recently issued a detailed advertisement on the altered admission policy for the academic year 2020-21.
Who is Eligible to Apply?
Merit lists for every department and program vary according to the policy of the head of the department, Principal, or Chairperson. Most of the departments do not conduct an entry test at BS level, so the entire criterion for admission is based on the matriculation and intermediate (FA, FSc or equivalent) score. For Mphil, every department incorporates these three vital things for admission criterion:
- BS / MA / MSc score or CGPA
- Interview conducted by the respective department
- Publications/research articles (not always required)
Candidates may hail from Pakistan or any other country as long as they can produce their own or their guardians’ CNIC.
How to Apply?
So, now let’s glide through the following key steps for completing the process of application.
Step 1 – Visit the Website
Visit, at first hand, the Online Admission Portal via the links http://admissions.pu.edu.pk or (for Online Admission). It will provide a detailed step-by-step procedure with special instructions and notes to be taken care of before filling the form online.
Step 2 – Fill the Form
Be careful while filling this extensive form. Incomplete and falsely filled forms will not be accepted by the administration and will automatically cancel your form submission. The form has the following sections to be filled stepwise:
- Personal Information
- Educational Information
- Experiences / Publications
- Apply
- Area of interest
- Entry Test details
Briefed below is the precise procedure to accurately fill the form
Section I – Personal Information
In this first section, your biographical information such as your name, contact details, special needs, and former history of on-campus behavior will be enquired. Make sure every box that you fill has the right information about you.Also, note that the latest photograph with a maximum size of 200kb has to be uploaded in this section. You can adjust the size of the image by formatting it through Microsoft Paint/Microsoft Office Picture Manager or by using any other easy;y available- software. Once, all the information has been provided, click “Save and Proceed” (as shown in the image below) at the end of this tab. You’ll then be guided to the next tab.
Section II – Educational Information
This will ask for your entire academic record initiating from matriculation (or equivalent) to your most recent degree, diploma or certificate. Note here that you will gradually fill in the educational details. Add matriculation details first and then go for “add more details” to continue with till your recently acquired academic certificate. After inserting all information aptly, proceed to the next tab by clicking “Save and Proceed”.
Section III – Experiences / Publications
Most of the applicants will feel worried at this. Not a problem. This section is mainly going to benefit the applicants for MPhil and PhD. If you are applying for BA, BSc, BS Honors, MA, MSc, etc, simply skip this part and hop onto the next step.
Section IV – Apply
This is the seal to the application process. After you’ve filled in all the information, the tab will give you an option “Do Final Submission”. Click that and you will be redirected to review your form . Give it an extensive read and once you feel confident enough about the form, click the “Submit Information as Final” button.
Section V – Area of Interest
Here’s a tip. Before rushing to this step, take a detailed look at the official website of the university to get an idea about your favorite field or program. Go through the departments, faculty records, and fee structures for the program you’re interested in. Only then will you be able to fill in this last section that requires you to choose suitably from the following:
- Degree Level (either Graduate or Masters)
- Department (Institute of Administrative Sciences, Department of Sociology, College of Pharmacy, etc.). This field is optional.
- Offered program (by searching its name/title).
Section VI – Entry Test details
Some departments conduct their own entry tests and make an aggregate out of the board examinations/university grading and the entry test score. The candidates who have appeared in such tests for any program in the University of Punjab should mention their score in the proceeding options.
Step 3 – Deposit Application Fee
Generate a challan by clicking on “Submit Application / Generate Challan”. Click on the “Print Challan” link for the respective application and then get its printout from a nearby photocopier. Deposit the fee in any branch of HBL or UBL. It is best to apply for other programs (if it suits you) prior to visiting the bank. You’ll have to apply for other programs and submit their challan fee separately in the bank (Rs. 500/- for each online application for each program). After submission of challan fee in the bank, revisit the website and login to your saved draft for the application. Click the “Generate Application” link for the respective application and enter the fee information. Now, click on the “Finalize/Generate Application” button. You’ll notice the status of the respective application will be altered from Pending to Applied. You’ll be notified through an email once the university administration receives and accepts your online application.
Step 4 – Dispatch the Printed Form
This is the final mandatory step in this process. Get a hard (printed) copy of the application form by clicking on “Print Application” for the application for one program. Send it through postal/courier service to the respective department (address of every department is mentioned in the application) before the last date. By hand or in-person submission of application form will not be acceptable.
Step 5 – Rechecking Before Final Submission
Safe to say this is the last step in the application process. Since it’s optional, you may skip it but it’s always good to give any form the last read to ensure it’s filled correctly. Just select the option “Edit/View Application(s)” and you can edit your personal information, educational information, and experience/publications. And it’s a wrap. With the best hopes and a good academic record, your place in this institute is ensured.
Reserved Seats
An uncontested quota scheme for students has been operating since the conception of this institute. Every year, one seat in M.Phil and one seat in Ph.D. programs is reserved for disabled/ special students in the whole university. For MA / M.Sc or Equivalent, and BS programs the reserved seats operate this way:
- Blood relations or spouse of Punjab university teachers – 2.5%
- Blood relations or spouse of Punjab university employees – 2.5%
- Foreign students – 1%
- Special / disabled – 2%
- Recommended for sports – 1%
Apart from that, a special scheme allows students from Azad Kashmir, Indian Occupied Kashmir, KPK, FATA, and Balochistan to bag considerable positions in the university.
Merit Lists
Get back to this link http://pu.edu.pk/home/merit_lists/ in July and August to keep track of all the merit lists. Every department determines the lists depending on the number of applicants, students’ scores, and entry test results (if any).
Important Instruction
Punjab University has a dedicated portal to answer all the queries and reach out to the faculty and students for official notices. You can clear your ambiguities by clicking http://pu.edu.pk/page/show/infodesk.html.

He is an SEO wizard and founder of Top Study World & Nafran, has been featured more times than a celebrity on Ahrefs, Semrush, Dawn News, Propakistani and dozens more. His superpower? Helping students ace their exams!