By Aleena Hussain
Finished your FSC in pre-engineering and now searching for a good engineering university?
Yes! A nice plan mate. But wait, you have to pass the ECAT test to get merit-based admission in renowned Engineering Universities.
You always learn by your mistakes, right? Many toppers will give you advice on how to score higher but we will give you tips in a new and different way.
ECAT Preparation Tips
The tips are taken from the below video.
Since the total aggregate of ECAT consists of 70% marks in FSC and 30% marks of ECAT test then, here are some tips for you to follow and a way to score highest in your ECAT Test 2020.
- Join an academy right after you finish your 2nd-year examinations but prefer to choose smaller cities. Bigger cities, having bigger populations offer a great challenge of time in adjusting, finding a residence and other issues.
- You might lose 7-14 days in getting used to the hostel’s environment which is a great deal to lose. Thus, to cut the story short, if you belong to a smaller city, do not bother yourself to join an academy in a larger/ main city. Prioritize your city.
- Avoid hangouts and outings if you still move to another city. Explore the city after passing ECAT.
- If you are capable of self- study, self- testing and self- assessment, then avoid joining any academy. Believe in your own capabilities and trust yourself. After all, practice makes a man perfect.
- Do not leave any topic or chapter. Thoroughly go through every corner of your book(s).
- Do not put your work on hold. Be regular in your preparation and denying or being lazy can cost you your future.
- Start studying from the first day of the first year, if not, then start once you have decided to take ECAT in 2020. Do not mug up, study concepts.
- Do not take the entry test easily. Be serious and determined about it. Multiple choice questions MCQs of ECAT are comparatively more difficult than board papers. If your concepts are clear, you can ace ECAT.
- Though academies provide you with training to attempt ECAT, if you cannot afford to or do not want to pay PKR 35-40/- thousand to them, then viola! We have internet service. Look up to past papers of 5 years, download and attempt them. Also, try to find the answer key and cross-check your answers for improvement.
- Do not rely on expensive books produced by different academies. Remember the origin of all the information in those books is your textbook.
- You have to solve 100 MCQs in a short period of time. Practice attempting online tests to manage your time.
- YouTube is your biggest help. Find your lecture on YouTube, and then find MCQs of the related topic on Google for getting a grip over the subject matter.
The preparation of four subjects in 1 month is difficult. Try to start your preparation beforehand.

He is an SEO wizard and founder of Top Study World & Nafran, has been featured more times than a celebrity on Ahrefs, Semrush, Dawn News, Propakistani and dozens more. His superpower? Helping students ace their exams!