What is the PPSC exam? How can an aspirant be successful in it?
If you have such questions in mind and want to know more about it then you have come to the right place.
Today, we are going to discuss briefly regarding the PPSC exam?
1. Definition, Mission & History Of PPSC
Let’s start our topic with the definition of PPSC.
- Definition
The PPSC stands for Punjab Public Service Commission. This is a government agency that is responsible for hiring and administration of the Civil and Management services in Punjab Province.
- History
This agency was established in April of 1937 (Prior to the independence of Pakistan). So basically PPSC was created for the subcontinent’s Punjab province. Now both India and Pakistan both have this service commission agency, so better not to confuse them with each other.
- Mission
Now to focus on the mission of the agency that is to select and recommend suitable aspirants a merit-based, transparent and expeditious process. This is to promote excellence, competence, and professionalism in the Punjab Public Service.
The official website for the PPSC has all the information which will be helpful. The website is as below:
2. PPSC Exam & Syllabus

Now let’s discuss what is the PPSC exam.
The PPSC holds an exam that is used to select the candidates for the Punjab Public Services. The exam is held to fill the vacant seats. There are two parts of the exam which are written and interviewed respectively. We will discuss both of them one by one.
The total marks for the exam are 1400 from which 1200 are allocated for written and 200 for the interview.
- Written Test
The main purpose of the exam is to focus on the intellectual ability of the candidate. That person will be given a series of different questions through which their ability level will be determined.
The written parts exam has a total of 1200 marks which is further divided into half for both types of subjects.
The written part of the exam has two types of subjects which are Compulsory and Optional.
- Compulsory Subjects
Let’s start with the compulsory subjects. There are 6 subjects that the aspirant has to attempt. They can’t simply skip any of these. The compulsory section has a total marks of 600.
These 6 subjects are as follows :
- English Essay.
- English.
- Urdu.
- Islamic Studies.
- Pakistan Studies.
- General Knowledge.
Each of the 6 subjects carries 100 marks. The total distribution of the marks and subjects description is shown in the image below:
The above image not only shows the subjects but also marks, subjects’ description, and their types.
- Optional Subjects
Now let’s discuss the optional subjects that are necessary for the PPSC exam. The aspirant for the PPSC exam can select any of the 3 subjects according to their own interest and abilities.
Each subject holds 200 marks, so the total marks for the optional subjects are 600 as well. The optional subjects are divided into groups that start from A and end on G.
Some of the optional subjects are as follows:
- Commerce.
- Economic.
- Business Administration.
- Public Administration.
- Mathematics.
- Computer Science.
- Statistics.
- Zoology.
- History.
- Law.
There are many other subjects for the optional section but these are only a few. The other subjects are shown in the image below which not only shows the marks distribution but the name of the group which they belong to.
These are all of the subjects for the optional subjects of the PPSC written exam.
- Psychological Test & Interview
As you may have guessed, this is the section that determines whether or not the candidate is right for the job or not. This section of the exam contains 200 marks but regardless of that, your answer is more important.
The reason for this is to judge whether or not the person is capable to work under pressure. This will help to judge the personality of the candidate more easily.
The trick to overcoming this hurdle is to stay calm and try to think outside the box. You will require practice for this sort of thing but it will be worth it.
3. Jobs For The PPSC Candidates
There are many different kinds of jobs for the PPSC aspirant. As the saying goes:
“The Sky is the limit.”
Some of the jobs are as follows:
- Medical Lab Technologist.
- Drug Inspector.
- Data Processing Officer.
- Senior Registrar Surgery.
Keep in mind that these jobs are the latest ones. The complete information regarding the other jobs are shown in the image below:
The above images show all the necessary information for the jobs as well as the number of posts available.
Best of luck for all the people who are planning to attempt the PPSC exam and planning to work hard for the seats