Class 12 Computer Science Notes for Federal board FBISE (New Syllabus). These notes are designed to help students excel in their studies. They are available in FREE PDF format and cover all the important topics in the 12th Class Computer Science syllabus for the Federal board.
Chapter 1 – Operating System
These Chapter 1 notes have:
- Give a brief introduction to the operating system.
- The earliest computers were programmed without an operating system. The user would prepare his or her program on paper (often coding in machine language), then enter it into the computer using switches and press “start.”
- If a mistake was made in setting up the switches, or if there was a problem with a calculation, the only way to correct it was to start over again from scratch.
- As applications grew more sophisticated and programming languages became more abstracted from machine language, people began to write compilers so that the source code could be entered once, compiled into machine language and then executed repeatedly without having to set up the switch.
- Operating systems act as an intermediary between the user and the computer hardware. An operating system is an assortment of programs written by programmers. The CPU executes all kinds of programs, acting as an intermediary between the user of a computer and the computer hardware.
- The dominant desktop operating system is Microsoft Windows with a market share of around 82.74%, Mac OS X by Apple Inc. has a market share of around 9.81% while Linux has about 0.99%. In the mobile sector, use in 2017 is up to 70% of Google’s Android and 28.5% for Apple’s iOS.
- What is an operating system?
- Explain the commonly used operating system.
All Subjects 12th Class Notes in One Place

Chapter 2 – System Development Cycle
Content: Short and Long Answers | Solved Exercises | MCQs
These Chapter 2 notes have:
- What is meant by a system development system?
- What is Software Engineering?
- Briefly explain the term “system”
Chapter 3 – Object Oriented Programming C++
Content: Short and Long Answers | Solved Exercises | MCQs
These Chapter 3 notes have:
- Give a brief introduction to C++?
- What is meant by a computer programming
- Define the development of a program, machine language
Chapter 4- Control Structure
Content: Short and Long Answers | Solved Exercises | MCQs
These Chapter 4 notes have:
- Give a brief introduction to the control structure
- Give a brief introduction to the decision-making statement
- What is the use of the IF statement
Chapter 5- Arrays And Strings
Content: Short and Long Answers | Solved Exercises | MCQs
These Chapter 5 notes have:
- Give a brief introduction to arrays of C++
- What is meant by an array
- How do we declare an array in C++
Chapter 6- Functions
Content: Short and Long Answers | Solved Exercises | MCQs
These Chapter 6 notes have:
- What is meant by function?
- Explain the types of functions in C++
- Method to define a user-defined function
Chapter 7- Pointers
Content: Short and Long Answers | Solved Exercises | MCQs
These Chapter 7 notes have the following:
- What are the pointers in C++?
- What is meant by the pointer variable
- Describe the concept of the memory address in declaring a variable
Chapter 8- Object And Classes
Content: Short and Long Answers | Solved Exercises | MCQs
This Chapter 8 notes have:
- What is the main purpose of programming C++
- Explain the concept of class in C++
- Describe the members of the class
Chapter 9- File Handling
Content: Short and Long Answers | Solved Exercises | MCQs
These Chapter 9 notes have the following:
- Give a brief introduction to file and file handling
- Explain the types of files in C++
- Explain the concept of opening a file