By Saba Khaliq
Are you searching for the frequently asked questions concerning GMAT?
Kudos! You’ve landed on the right webpage to know all about it!
Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) is the selection criterion for business schools in Pakistan and across the globe. Despite its repute and significance quite well-known amongst students, some basic queries regarding the test remain valid and intriguing for the students anyhow.
This blog shall guide you through the maze of frequently asked questions related to GMAT. So, focus thoroughly on the upcoming database of questions and answers and you will be well-equipped for this decisive test for business studies.
GMAT General Questions
1. What is GMAT taken for?
Just like MDCAT and ECAT, GMAT is an entrance examination you take to secure your entry into a business school or degree in the state or abroad. Most popular among these degrees is MBA. Candidates then use this score along with the other requirements for the admission and apply for their chosen program in a university.
Not clear yet? We understand that. Keep up with some more queries answered.
2. I’m Starting from Scratch. How Do I Register for the Test?
Registration for this test is a bit different from the local-based tests we have been hearing about or taking in Pakistan. You have the option of registering yourself in the following ways:
- By telephone call
- Online (Sign up on and follow the guidelines to fill the form)
- Fax / Postal mail (less preferred)
Aspirants do not have to visit any bank or test center prior to taking the test. Credit or debit cards are preferably used to pay the exam fee.
Another good news! You have the command here. Choose your date and venue yourself and you’re good to go for the test.
3. Not Satisfied with the Attempt. Can I Retake the Test?
5 attempts per year are permissible for the candidates. However, some limitations remain to be taken care of. You cannot take GMAT more than once in a period of 16 days. Also, you are allowed to take only 8 attempts in total.
So, prepare well before retaking the test! You don’t want to pay such a handsome amount and end up getting nothing in return.
Don’t hold yourself from taking the test multiple times either if you’re improving with each attempt. About 10% of GMAT candidates have taken the test three or more times before getting admission to a business program.
Exam Dissection
4. What Subjects Are Assessed?
GMAT does not include merely accounting or mathematical questions as a common individual might perceive. The test is divided into the following subject areas ensuring a detailed assessment of the aptitude and analytical skills of the candidate.
- Analytical Writing Assessment (AWA)
- Integrated Reasoning (IR)
- Quantitative
- Verbal
5. What to Expect from AWA?
This essay section extends to 30 minutes and provides a prompt for the analysis of an argument. This means it’s a responsive assessment. You will be asked to critically analyze the crux and objective of a brief argument and present your ideas concerning the piece in the following manner:
- Pick out valid points of arguments
- Articulate your ideas in a sound manner
- Organize your thoughts
- Connecting points in your logically presented ideas
6. What Shall Comprise of Integrated Reasoning?
This section, to be completed in 30 minutes, tests the skills that are must-haves in the professional business domain like the expertise to present and explain data in the form of charts, graphs, and tables, etc.
The 4 different question types analyzing your IR are as follows:
- Graphical Interpretation
- Multi-Source Reasoning
- Two-Part Analysis
- Table Analysis
7. Do I Need to Refer to High School Math for Quantitative Questions?
Precisely yes! This 62-minutes long section examines your mathematical knowledge regarding algebra, geometry, and arithmetic through 31 multiple-choice questions. Data sufficiency and problem-solving questions are posed in this part.
8. Would I Be Asked to “Read” in the Verbal Section?
Yes, but not assessed on your intonation or pronunciation. That is out of the question. The verbal section gives you 65 minutes to complete questions concerning
- Reading Comprehension
- Critical Reasoning
- Sentence Correction
Test Logistics
9. How Much Time Is Allocated for the Test?
The test in total spans over 3.5 hours with breaks in between. The breakdown of this time is as follows:
- Analytical writing assessment – 30 minutes
- Integrated reasoning section – 30 minutes
- Quantitative section – 62 minutes
- Verbal section – 65 minutes
10. Is GMAT a Computerized Adaptive Test (Cat)?
Yes, but what exactly does that mean? It’s like a computer game with successive levels of difficulty popping on your screens once you clear one level and proceed to another.
CAT exerts that the testing software for GMAT adapts to your performance as you progress through the test. This, in turn, implies that the difficulty level of the next few questions in the exam will depend upon your specific performance on each question as you move on.
It all goes on to your competency or ability level. To put it simply, the difficulty level of the questions matters more than the number of questions solved in the test.
11. I Think I Will Need a Calculator. Can I Bring One?
No! The computer will have its inbuilt calculator that can be used in the integrated reasoning section. However, for the quantitative section, the access won’t be granted.
12. I Will Definitely Have to Do Some Rough Work. Would a Scratch Paper Be Available?
A double-sided scratchpad will be provided to the candidate for calculations and answer structuring. In case you need another one, feel free to ask your proctor or the management there.
Test Scoring
13. What Is the Score Requirement Would I Need to Get into a Business School?
This is a common query buzzing in your mind months before you even register for GMAT. The test score comes within 20 days of your attempt. Before jumping to the desired score, we need to take a look at the scoring criterion first.
The number of questions answered correctly on the Verbal and Quantitative sections comprises your Raw Score in the test. This total is then changed into the Scaled Score which is directly related to the question difficulty as the GMAT is a computer-adaptive test. The Scaled Score is then converted to a numerical ranking from 200 – 800. This is done to calculate the Total Score.
The Integrated Reasoning section is scored on a 1 – 8 scale while the Analytical Reasoning section on a 1 – 6 scale.
With these frequently posed questions answered, we hope we have clarified the GMAT map in your minds so this exam may become less alien for you.
Good luck!

He is an SEO wizard and founder of Top Study World & Nafran, has been featured more times than a celebrity on Ahrefs, Semrush, Dawn News, Propakistani and dozens more. His superpower? Helping students ace their exams!