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If you belong to any of the boards for SSC Part 2 in Pakistan:
- Federal Board (FBISE)
- The Federal Board is a government educational board of Pakistan. It was established by the Ministry of Education, Government of Pakistan in 1962. This board has a great contribution in improving the system of education in Pakistan.
- All educational institutions located in Pakistani cities like Islamabad, Rawalpindi and Lahore are registered with this board. The Federal Board is working under the supervision of the Governor of Punjab who is also the chairman of this board.
- This board prepares all the courses and syllabus for all classes according to the changing time and needs of these times. It provides textbooks, training sessions and examination papers to the students.
- The Federal Board conducts matriculation exam every year during March and April and intermediate exams during April and May every year. All these exams are conducted fairly with complete honesty and transparency in order to check the true abilities of students.
- It was established in 1975. The FBISE organizes exam for SSC & HSSC.
- The main body which handles all this stuff is called FBISE. Its acronym is Federal Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education. FBISE is an autonomous body that works under the ministry of education (Federal Education and Professional Training). It works with the help of government rules and regulations. The board issues its own rules and regulations to make exams more effective.
- Punjab Board (Lahore, Faisalabad, Multan, Rawalpindi Boards)
- KPK Board (Peshawar Board)
- Sindh Board (Karachi and Hyrderboard Boars)
Then these notes are helpful to you.
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