Here is a possible 100 word note on how to become an army doctor in Pak Army:
To become an army doctor in Pak Army, you need to have an MBBS degree from a reputable university and a verified degree from the Pakistan Medical and Dental Council. You can join the Army Medical College (AMC) as a cadet, either as a paying cadet (PC) or a medical cadet (MC). You can also join the Pak Army as a doctor after completing your MBBS from any other university. You have to pass the written/intelligence test, initial medical test, interview, and final selection. You can choose your specialization from various fields such as radiology, pathology, gynecology, etc
You have come to the right place.
I am writing this article for those who want to serve our army following their passion of becoming a doctor.
Becoming a part of the military and serving your nation in any possible way is the most prestigious job for the youth of a country.
Pakistani teenagers are most passionate about becoming a doctor or an engineer, but most of them are unaware of the procedure via which they can become part of Pakistan Army as a doctor or an engineer.
Today, I would elaborately talk about the methods particularly of becoming an Army doctor.
Army Medical College famous as AMC is a dream college of many medical students. They dream about wearing those flags on their chests.
There is a common confusion that only army brats or people with a military background can become part of AMC but this is not the case at all.
Anyone can be the part of AMC family provided he or she meets the criteria.
If we talk about girls, they have a confusion that whether they could be a part of AMC or not. It is a common misconception that only boys could apply. Let me give good news to girls, AMC enrolls female cadets as well.
Army Medical College enrolls students as cadets and there are 2 types of cadets that are part of AMC and later on serve in CMHs:
- As an introductory model, PC (Paying Cadet) is a worthy effort. However, it will never be able to replace the current system of education. It is flawed in many respects, and it doesn’t have the base to satisfy a large number of people.The PC is our official way of describing the curious individual who, despite any and all evidence to the contrary, continues to fund his own decline with the occasional purchase of a CD.
- The PC is not an Internet user. He has neither used nor heard of Napster, Audiogalaxy, or WinMX. He believes that everything he reads in the paper about file sharing is true. He thinks it’s wrong for people to trade songs free over the Internet.
- He knows where Tower Records is but has never been there. He buys his CDs at Best Buy or Wal-Mart so he can save money on things that are really important, like car insurance.
- The PC has a job and works hard at it so he can buy stuff he doesn’t need with money he doesn’t have. He pays taxes. He votes Republican because he’s been told Democrats are socialists and socialists want to raise his taxes and give his money away to lazy black people who don’t work hard like him.
Paying cadets are the ones who have military background whether their mother or father is serving Army, Navy, Airforce or Civil Services.
No matter at which rank they are serving, their children can apply for paying cadets seats of AMC.
Candidates with army background have maximum seats in paying cadets quota than any other forces especially the children of martyred have the edge over others. High concession in fees too low follows their merit.
These cadets after clearance wear army uniform and are serving or bonded cadets which mean that army is going to recruit them in CMHs after their MBBS or BDS.
How to get registered for the NUMS TEST?
- Visit the official site of NTS i.e. www.nts.org.pk
- Go to ‘upcoming tests’
- Click on ‘online registration’
- Fill up the form carefully
- Submission of form generates ‘FEE CHALLAN’ and ‘ADMITTANCE CARD’ for the test
- Take out their prints
- Deposit fee and paste picture on admittance card
- Reach on time to your selected center with ADMITTANCE CARD
As soon as you apply for NUMS test, get a form from respective headquarter of any of three armed forces where your parents are serving or from which they got retired. Without submission of this form, you cannot join AMC as paying cadet.
Medical Cadets
This is the category of most lucky people.
Keep in mind one important thing that only males can avail this opportunity. No female is recruited as MC (Medical Cadets)
For this, you are supposed to register yourself on the official website of the army. There is dropdown named as “induction criteria” which shows AM CADET COURSE.
The registration for this course begins in May or June. The whole procedure is divided into 4 phases.
First of all, there is an ‘initial test’. This is an academic test and intelligence test.
After clearing this test, you appear in the physical test where you do chin-ups, push-ups, and all other physical activities to show your fitness and stamina.
Following this test is ‘medical test’. You are examined in CMH regarding your medical health. In the last, there is ‘interview’ which is conducted by GHQ selection board.
One important thing that I would like to mention here is that NUMS entrance test has to do nothing with the selection of MEDICAL CADETS.
Clearing all these four steps to lead you to serve army even when you are in AMC. You are provided with a scholarship of 30,000 plus there is no fee for MCs.
All medical cadets are not enrolled in AMC or in MBBS. Depending upon the merit, they are adjusted in MBBS and BDS. Few cadets are sent to CMH College Multan, Quetta, Khariyan and Lahore as well. After completion of the degree, medical cadets spend 6 months in PMA for basic military training and after that, they are posted to different CMHs as captain doctors.
How to apply for MC?
- Visit the official website of Pakistan army i.e. www.joinpakarmy.gov.pk
- Go to ‘induction criteria’
- Read the essential requirements for the test carefully
- Get yourself registered following all instructions
Once you are done with all tests and have passed GHQ interview, you are deported into AMC and rest army-affiliated military colleges. MC signs a bond with the army for serving it for 13 years after the completion of their degree.
GDMO stands for ‘general duty medical officer’.
SPECS stands for ‘classified specialist’.
GDDO means ‘general duty dental officer’.
FCPS is for classified specialists and ‘PTC’ is ‘ Pakistan temporary commission’.
GDMO is a course that is offered by all three armed forces of Pakistan i.e. navy, air force, and army. Anyone has done with MBBS degree from any medical college whether it is private or government provided it is registered from PMDC, can get registered in GDMO course.
After clearance, of course, you are given the rank of Capt. Doctor posted in any CMH. Keep in mind that only boys can apply for GDMO after BDS, girls can go for it if they have an MBBS degree. Age should be in between 28 years to 35 years.
These are the people who have specialization in anesthesiology, pathology, basic medical sciences, and gynecology (only females), the surgeon as well. They are inducted as CAPT. DOCTORS.
Only males with BDS degree can apply for GDDO with an age relaxation up to 35 years.
Only males can apply with an age limit of 35 years.
If we talk about the registration procedure, it is done both online and offline. For online, go to official website of Pak army i.e. www.joinpakarmy.gov.pk and get registered. Candidate must have computerized roll number slip on the day of the test and should pay for prospectus fee before the test. Test date and center are never changed.
These are ARMY SELECTION AND RECRUITMENT CENTRES. Candidate should visit nearest selection center with documents for allotment of roll number slip. Bring that roll number slip and required documents on the day of the test

He is an SEO wizard and founder of Top Study World & Nafran, has been featured more times than a celebrity on Ahrefs, Semrush, Dawn News, Propakistani and dozens more. His superpower? Helping students ace their exams!