First year of MBBS seems to be a difficult year. Students study subjects at comparatively an easier level for 14 years and then suddenly, a whole new world of difficult terms and definitions pops up in MBBS.
Juniors rush to their seniors for guideline and study schemes. Catching seniors out of their busy routine, learning their schedules and study plans prove to be very difficult.
So here in this article we are sharing with you, the ultimate tips to study at the most crucial time of the year of First Year MBBS Students
Dear Students, Prof Preparation is a very sensitive issue. It doesn’t matter if you performed well in internal assessment or not. But the thing which matters is the preparation for the final exams conducted by UHS (Probably in October).
That’s why, you should take Proff Preparation very seriously and start preparing for it with the help of following tips shared by (An MBBS Student At KEMU)
- Start with Physiology
- Then Biochemistry
- And then Anatomy
I used this technique in my Proff Preparation
For physiology try to cover Guyton in Proff preparation. So even if you will not have enough time in Proff you can go through Firdaus and will pass physio with good marks.
I covered Guyton in Proff but did respo and circulation from Firdaus.
Juniors! I advise you, people, to draw a maximum number of diagrams, graphs and flow charts in physio paper. There is a book Jaypee Physiology. This book has a lot of beautiful diagrams and flow charts. After reading Guyton, just go through Jaypee Physiology and mark diagrams in it. This will lead to a better score in Proff.
This will lead to a great score.
Paper presentation matters a lot in Physio.
For Viva, go for Firdaus only.
For Biochem, try to do the topics with highest weightage in TOS firstly like:
Proteins, Nucleotides.
Enzymes are also a must.
Be emotionally stable while solving Biochem paper.
For anatomy, do gross firstly.
Give 3 days to each region. Then one day for the embryo, and one for Histo and GA.
We did only Histo diagrams in Proff because of lack of time but unfortunately, we didn’t get a single diagram question of Histo in Proff.
So try to cover at least topics of diagrams from Laiq.
Make a maximum number of diagrams in anatomy paper
Anatomy MCQs were a bit tough but good concepts can help you solve them.
All the students coming to K.E have a good IQ. But only a few of them have a good EQ. You must be emotionally stable to survive Proff. You have done hard work all the year but your nervous breakdown can lead to disastrous results.
1. Some students waste a lot of time on MCQs books but these books are of no use. All the MCQs in Proff are quite conceptual and they require thorough understanding. All you have to do is to go through your MBBS text books so that you may solve them easily.
2. Please, juniors don’t be emotionally unstable.
3. Please have a sleep on the night before the exam. Even if it is for 2 hours.
4. Don’t skip breakfast.
5. And the most important thing: Don’t miss a single prayer. Prayers can do miracles!
I wish you Best of luck for your upcoming future!
May every odd be in your favor!
If you have any confusion or question, feel free to ask in the comments section.

He is an SEO wizard and founder of Top Study World & Nafran, has been featured more times than a celebrity on Ahrefs, Semrush, Dawn News, Propakistani and dozens more. His superpower? Helping students ace their exams!