Here are the MDCAT past papers that were taken from 2008 to 2018. You can save them in pdf to study later. The Past Papers are solved.
MDCAT is a new way to measure student learning. It’s been developed by some of the nation’s leading experts in educational testing, and it will be administered for the first time in 2013.
The MDCAT has been designed to provide a more precise picture of what students know, measuring their mastery of the knowledge that prepares them for success in college and a career.
The test will assess how well students have mastered skills in three areas: reading comprehension, mathematical problem solving, and writing.
The skills measured by the MDCAT are relevant to any education or training program, including high school or community college courses and apprenticeships and even work-based training programs like those offered by employers like AT&T and Microsoft. These skills are essential to college and career readiness. They’re also crucial to other kinds of preparation ― whether you’re training to be a firefighter, auto mechanic, or soldier.
The MDCAT is designed to assess those skills, not specific facts or topics that might change from one year to the next. And it can be taken on either a computer or with pencil and paper.”

Below is the link of the past papers of MDCAT that were taken from 2008 to 2018.
You can download directly the PDF or view online.
FileSize: 8 MB
Pages: 240
Printable: Yes
Answer Key: Yes
Direct Link:

Some students don’t know the benefits of these past papers:
1. Mockup Test To Check Stress And Pressure
You need to take a test of yourself and check how much time is consumed. Check your stress and pressure. It’s not the stress of Physics and pressure of Chemistry rather the English ones.
2. Repeated MCQs With Modifications
You will see observe many MCQs are repeated every year. They can be the same MCQs and with little modifications.
3. Weakness And Strength Of You
You come to realize your weakness and strengths on different topics and areas. Some students just keep memorizing now stuff, but don’t practice because they hate doing it. If you’re among them, change your attitude.
4. Difficulty Level Of MCQs Year Wise
You will see observe many MCQs are repeated, you don’t only need to see the repeated rather you have to check the difficulty level of the MCQs so that you can prepare for the MCQs, and you understand the psychology why the MCQs are repeated.
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