Confusions kill, don’t? Nobody explains to the point things in easy words how to apply for SSC-II improvement, at TopStudyWorld, we try our best to explain the best.
FBISE is good when it comes to providing easiness to the students, no other boards have done it what Federal Board has done.
Do you know? Even you get low marks in the improvement exams, your previous marks – the better marks – will be considered.
This opportunity is to the students who have passed all the subjects of the SSC II exam, and are willing to improve their marks for the best future. But 9th Class students can’t improve in the supplementary exams that will be taken in 12th September, 2017. Rather you have to take with the 10th class students in the Annual Exam held in March, 2018.
You must keep in mind that if you want to be an engineer or doctor, SSC II marks count for 10% only, the rest is F.Sc marks which count for 40% and the Entry Test counts for 50%.
Step 1 – Visiting and Downloading the Form:
Go to the official website of FBISE, and click Admission Form for SSC Part-II Supplementary Examination 2017 for (Improvement Only) and download and open the PDF.
If you don’t know anything about PDF, you can read:
Step 2 – Filling the Main Details:
Print it out as a hard copy because you have to send via TCS. Fill all the needed requirements. Here is what you need to fill.
Name: Your full name in block letters (capital letters) i.e, AAMIR (Not Aamir). It is the name written on your B-Form or CNIC.
Registration Number: It is the number sent to you when you applied for registration in FBISE when you were in 9th Class.
Father’s Name: Your father number written on his CNIC.
Date of Birth: The full date when you came in this world. It would be the same written on your B-Form or CNIC.
Proposed Center: It would be the name of the school where you will take your examination. You can write your own school where you took the SSC-II exam or someone else.
Code: If you don’t know the institution code for your purposed center, you can check here by searching the center by your city name.
Address: It would be your home address where the results and other things will be sent.
Area: Your province of Pakistan where you were born.
Status: You will select Ex because you have done 10th Class, and you have become an old student. The second reason is that you are taking exams for improvement.
Note: You need to write with a pale pen and tick the text that I highlighted with a yellow marker with a software application.
Step 3 – Filling the Subjects Detail:
You are not limited to take the improvement exam of two subjects rather you are allowed to take as many subjects as you want either it is from SSC-I or SSC-II or both, according to the latest improvement rules of FBISE.
The code of the subject is written on the second page of the form. For PHYSICS-I code is 011.
You have to select your status appearing For Improving Result, and select Annual. Write your roll number of the exam that you took last time. Then select Category fee Double Fee, according to this report:
Schedule for Submission of Admission Forms/Improvement:
1. With Normal fee From the announcement of result to 12-07-2017
2. With Double Fee from 13-07-2017 to 24-07-2017
3. With Triple Fee from 25-07-2017 to 01-08-2017
The information about challan and fees structure holds in the next step
It means you can apply till the fist of August.
What are other things to do:
- Sign your signature and your father.
- You have to attach one unattested passport size of photo (Right side of the subjects code)
- Attach one attested passport size and cross verification. For this, you can go any office of grade 17, and he will attach.
- Write the CNIC of your father.
Step 4 – Download and Print the Improvement Form:
Now download the improvement form. Isn’t getting too much? 😛
You can download from here the improvement form. Fill the form like this:
How to Fill it:
- You have to write your name.
- If you appeared in the Annual FBISE SSC-II Exam 2017, you have to write SSC ANNUAL 2017 or ANNUAL 2017, both are accepable.
- Then you have to write suplementary examination 2017 which is going to take place in September, 2017. Because you are taking exams for improvement and the students who got failed in a subject, they have to take the supplementary exams, but you will take the imporvement exams if you have passed all the papers successfully.
- You have to sign your signature and write the contact number.
Step 5 – Generate A Challan Form:
- Improvement of Only 9th Class Subjects:
- Improvement of Only 10th Class Subjects:
- Improvement of 9th and 10th Class Subjects At the Same Time:
Step 7 – Send to FBISE Office Via Any Carrier

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