FBISE stands for Federal Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education, and it’s the federal government body of Pakistan and aboard for HSSC and SSC.
FBISE is a board that manages the education system of Pakistan. It was established in 1975 under the act of 1974. There are many educational boards in Pakistan like FBISE, PEC and so on.
FBISE has an official site for the students who appear in exams conducted by FBISE. You can get any information regarding your result or roll number slip from there.
There are many educational institutions all over Pakistan which are affiliated with this board. Students who appear in matriculation and intermediate exams take their exams under the supervision of this board.
You can also download past papers of any subject to prepare for your final exam and you can follow the syllabus as well to get good marks in the examinations
FBISE is a command of Federal Government to conduct exam for all students who are studying under this board. This board has also a right to control all private and public schools/colleges affiliated with FBISE. The main purpose of this board to hold exams at intermediate level from Matriculation part 1 and part 2.
FBISE announces the date sheet for Matriculation Part 1 and Part 2 exams one month before the commencement of examination. All candidates who are studying under FBISE can check their date sheet from the official site of FBISE which is www.fbise.edu.pk
It’s considered the best, but the toughest board of Pakistan because of its strict rules, and the paper pattern.
Students are not provided with pairing scheme as it is the case with other boards, rather for getting great marks, he has to memorize the whole book.
These are the 5 Things that make Federal Board superior to other boards:

FBISE is the only board in Pakistan that offers live chat opportunity for the students. It’s a golden opportunity where students or any person can ask a question related to SSC and HSSC.
When we look at the other boards of Pakistan, we don’t observe this thing.
Students don’t need to go to the office or call the office rather they can make use of the live chat.
FBISE is really fast in handling everything either it comes to announcing results or delivering critical documents to the homes of students.
This board is strict when it comes to law and rules. Their examiners at the examination centers are strict, and if students are caught, they have to deal with the law.
The same goes for checking. In FBISE, hard work depends, luck depends less which is the opposite for other boards like Lahore BISE, Multan BISE, and Faisalabad BISE, etc.

It seems the FBISE is the only board that cares the students the most. It wants to the whole process easy and more efficient.
Online Application is an example of it as well as the challan form.
With the online application, you don’t need to send a letter to the office, all you need to generate a challan form and deposit in a bank. Then fill the blank spaces, and submit.

It’s the only characters of FBISE that allows seeing the result of any school and college at any given day of the year.
With the help of it, you can check the school or college condition, and you can easily decide which college would be best for studies.
Unfortunately, this thing is not available in other board where you can check rather you end up asking the other people.
Here is not guaranteed either they would tell you the truth or lie.
It is one of the best quality of FBISE that it supports concepts openly.
I knew that when I was taking 9th Cass paper for my Biology in Bahawalpur, I was crying that I wouldn’t be able to pass the paper, but I just wrote the concepts.
I didn’t write any part fashion (rate) definition, but I knew only two things: Concepts and diagrams. I made use of the both, but I got 74/75.
I didn’t believe on the result, but then I came to realize it is due to FBISE.
In intermediate, it gets tougher than SSC. You have to do a lot of hard work, and there is no pairing scheme as other boards do offer.
That’s the reason; Federal Board students are more likely to succeed in entry test, i.e., DMCAT (formally MCAT), ECAT, NUMS and other entry tests conducted in Pakistan.
Because it becomes a habit of them to be more conceptual, and it is the thing that lacks in other board of Pakistan.