It has always been a challenge situation to get good marks in the exam for a student especially if the student belongs to Federal Board aka the toughest board in Pakistan. English subject is one of the hardest subjects in which to get good marks needs a lot of hard work. The main element which is responsible in order to get good marks is the method of attempting effectively. The way you attempt, it shows how much you’re intelligent, hard work and passionate for getting good marks.
I’m sharing the technique of attempting from a friend of mine Hamza Siddique who topped Federal Board in SSC and got 1031 marks. He sent me many pictures regarding how to attempt a paper impressively. It’s true that the more you impress the checker, the more you get good marks.
Look at the below pictures deeply, how the papers are attempted. Check everything, even the distance between margin etc and do a lot of practices at home. It would be better if you select a day for the purpose, do all the day.
The important terms should always be written with the help of a cut marker which you can see in the below pictures. If you don’t have an idea when to use a cut marker then imagine you’re a checker. Write the sentence, phrase or a word with a cut marker, which a checker wants to check. For example, a short question regarding Centripetal Force comes in the paper, in this time, you will write the definition, mathematically expression, and important terms like Pythagoras theorem with the cut marker. Similarly, while writing a letter in an English paper which is about a trip then you will write city name, difficult words and quote etc with the cut marker.
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How to attempt Urdu paper effectively in Federal, Punjab Board
Differences Between Federal Board and Punjab Board
Federal Board and Punjab Board (FSc) students have to attempt Urdu paper to get good marks in the board examination. Follow these tips to attain good marks in Urdu paper.
Read daily newspaper in Urdu, but read them on your own level. If you can’t understand a word, then search its meaning from a dictionary.
Read short stories written by famous writers such as Premchand and Sadat Hasan Manto.
Learn difficult words from the vocabulary section of your textbook.
Revise important grammar rules that are given in the beginning of every chapter.
Try to write an essay on every topic given in the paper pattern of Urdu, so that you can attempt any type of essay question in the examination.
To get good marks in Urdu paper you should follow following steps:
1. Begin with Gulistan-e-Adab which is one of the most important book of Urdu subject. Gulistan-e-Adab contains wide range of questions that are expected to be in the final paper.
2. Write its questions and answers in your own language and you will be able to understand each question easily.
3. Read Mabani e Shah Waliullah. This book is also compulsory for students because many questions are repeated from this book every year.
4. Read Tanzeem-ul-Madaris ka Digest, which also covers all topics according to syllabus and covers it upto mark i guess.
5. At last but not the least, if you have a complete command over Gulistan e Adab, Mabani e Shah Waliullah and Tanzeem ul Madaris ka digest then there is no need to read any other book for urdu subject
It needs a lot of practices. In simple words, it’s an art of attempting which is learned with the help of practice. It seems difficult, I know, but until you don’t practice it will always be a difficult task for you.
Just Practice, Practice and Practice because practice makes a man perfect. If you have any question in your mind, don’t feel hesitation.

He is an SEO wizard and founder of Top Study World & Nafran, has been featured more times than a celebrity on Ahrefs, Semrush, Dawn News, Propakistani and dozens more. His superpower? Helping students ace their exams!